td-agent v4.4.0 has been released

Hi users!

We have released td-agent v4.4.0. td-agent is a stable distribution package of Fluentd.

Changes from td-agent v4.3.2

  • Update bundled Fluentd from v1.14.6 to v1.15.1. Please see each release announcement of Fluentd for more detail:
  • Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1q (for macOS and Windows)
  • Remove TD_AGENT_OPTIONS= from td-agent.service. Instead it's loaded from /etc/sysconfig/td-agent (rpm) or /etc/default/td-agent (deb).
  • Drop Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial Xerus" support as we announced before.
  • Update plugins and gems

Please see ChangeLog for more detail.


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Written by ClearCode, Inc.

ClearCode, Inc. is a software company specializing in the development of Free Software. We maintain Fluentd and its plugin ecosystem, and provide commercial support for them.