It is helpful to have maillogs stored in a semi-structured manner for future auditing and root cause analysis. This brief solution guide shows you how to parse Postfix maillogs and store them into MongoDB in near real-time.
In this guide, we assume we are running td-agent on Ubuntu Precise.
The first step is to set up the tail input to tail the maillog.
The Postfix maillog looks like this:
14-03-26T19:49:56+09:00 worker001 postfix/smtp[13747]: 31C5C1C000C: to=<>,[]:25, delay=0.74, delays=0.06/0.01/0.25/0.42, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 ok dirdel)
Which can be parsed with the following regular expression:
/^(?<date>[^ ]+) (?<host>[^ ]+) (?<process>[^:]+): (?<message>((?<key>[^ :]+)[ :])? ?((to|from)=<(?<address>[^>]+)>)?.*)$/
Thus, assuming the maillog is located at /var/log/maillog
, to tail and parse the maillog, add the following to the Fluentd configuration (which, for td-agent
is at /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
type tail
path /var/log/maillog
tag maillog.hostname_1
format /^(?<date>[^ ]+) (?<host>[^ ]+) (?<process>[^:]+): (?<message>((?<key>[^ :]+)[ :])? ?((to|from)=<(?<address>[^>]+)>)?.*)$/
(If one is interested in using a dynamic hostname, fluent-mixin-config-placeholder can be used.)
The output plugin for MongoDB is bundled for td-agent
. If you are running a vanilla Fluentd instance, run gem install fluent-plugin-mongo
Add the following lines to output data into MongoDB:
<match maillog.*>
type copy
# for debug (see /var/log/td-agent.log)
type stdout
type mongo
database fluentd #DB name
tag_mapped true
# ssl true
# user USER
# password PASSWORD
The tag_mapped
parameter allows Fluentd to create a collection per tag. For example, if an event comes with tag = maillog.host1, it creates a collection named maillog.host1
, and if another event comes with tag = maillog.host2, it creates a collection named maillog.host2
. If you want to collect all maillogs into a single collection, use the following configuration instead.
<match maillog.*>
type copy
# for debug (see /var/log/td-agent.log)
type stdout
type mongo
database fluentd #DB name
collection maillog #Collection name
flush_interval 10s # for testing
# ssl true
# user USER
# password PASSWORD
Also, notice that the MongoDB output supports SSL and password authentication (commented out).
Restart td-agent with sudo service td-agent restart
. Then, run tail
against /var/log/td-agent.log. You should see the following lines:
2012-07-12 15:19:03 +0000 maillog.hostname1: {"address":"", "date":"2012-03-26T19:49:56+09:00", "host":"worker001", "key":"31C5C1C000C", "message":"31C5C1C000C: to=<>,[]:25, delay=0.74, delays=0.06/0.01/0.25/0.42, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 ok dirdel)", "process":"postfix/smtp[13747]"}
Now, go into MongoDB shell and check that the data is indeed imported.
In production, you might want to remove writing output into stdout. So, use the following output configuration:
<match haproxy.*>
type mongo
database fluentd #DB name
collection maillog #Collection name
# ssl true
# user USER
# password PASSWORD
Do you wish to store maillogs into other systems? Check out other data outputs!.
Interested in other data sources and output destinations? Check out the following resources:
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